Monday, February 8, 2010

Far Cry, a Total Disapointment.

I bought Far Cry, and it's sequel the other day. I downloaded the first one, thinking that it would be the most logical place to begin 'cause I haven't played it and I would probably not know what's going on in the second one. It took 7 hours to download the damn thing, and when it finally did, I loaded it up, and I was totally let down.

This is the thing I cannot get over, the game looks horrible. It's a two year-old game, and it just looks awful. I had the game running in it's highest setting, yet the game still looked really bad, and not only that, it was choppy and unplayable. Couple that with the confusing intro to the game (in retrospect, it kind of reminds of Serious Sam, though I have never actually played that game, I spent a lot of time watching the videos for the HD version of the game, and they have a lot of similarities) and the lame ass one lines that the enemies spew out when they see you, "You don't know what you're dealing with," or my personal favorite, "I'm going to open a can of whoop ass on you!".

The first level of the game also reminds me a lot of the first level of Crysis, only it's put together better and does not look like shit. Also, no Asians. Far Cry 2 is basically Crysis in Africa. Which is pretty cool. They fixed the way driving feels, because for once I can keep the car straight and not lose control of the damn thing. Far Cry 2 is also a lot more fun then the first one too, because well, not only does the game look better, it also has a lot of other avenues you take to take out your enemies. I personally love how I can hide in the bushes, lure an enemy to me, and then take them out "stealth-style" with my machete.

I feel let down by the first game, I had hoped it was better, but all it was was a choppy soap opera of clunky stupid proportions. Oh well, good thing I bought it for $5 and not $10. Thank you 50% weekend on Steam.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I have been Thinking...

When I first started this blog all I did was rant about politics and other bull shit thinking my opinion actually mattered, but when it comes down to it, it does not. I realize now that all these things are relative, all I was doing was regetating what Michael Savage had said the other day. What the hell do I know? I keep asking this, expecting an answer from no one in particular.

Of all the things I have learned, the one, most important thing I can tell anyone is, don't take anything for grantit. Life is to god damn sort to be doing that, but sadly I have done just that. So, my unexistent audinece, take heed and cherish the people you hold dear before it is to late.

I suppose I have been re-learning how to enjoy my life and to come out of the shell of being an angry sarcastic jack ass. Every day used to feel like a dream to me, but now I feel awake and happy. I have lost weight, and plan on losing more. I am more cheerful and friendly too.

About the only thing that brings me joy is my girlfriend. I cannot get her off my mind. I love to see her smile, and her sense of humor keeps me laugh till my sides hurt. I miss her.

To pass the time though, I play a lot of Team Fortress 2. I am enjoying the new update they just came out with for the solider and demoman, they are quite fun. The eyelander is by the best thing they made for the demoman, nothing gives you a rush more then lobbing the head off a heavy weapons guy all the while side stepping his minigun. Each head you take off gives you a +15 health bonus and a speed increase, I think the cap on health you can have is 210 though. The solider's got an intresting set of itiems too, though I do not have them all yet. I am looking forward to getting the new rocket launcher, the equalizer is kind of cool, kind of like the eyelander, only the lower your health is, the faster and more damage you do. The buff thing kind of sucks because it takes the place of the shotgun, lowering your survilability a bit. It is alright if you can stay alive long enough to use I guess.

Enough nerdy game talk, I thought I'd just change the mood of my blog a bit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I hate Toyota Priuses

That is right everybody, I sincerely and utterly hate the Toyota Prius with a fiery passion. Why do I hate the brand so much? Well there is this whole thing about it being the most over rated car brand out there and the fact that Toyota's are not as great as everyone thinks them to be. To be honest, the Toyota Prius is the ugliest freaking car I have ever seen, yet every single person in the media has a huge freaking hard-on for them. The car is boring and over-rated.

Did I mention that Toyota is over-rated? I think I did. Anyway, it seems like everyone wants a hybrid now-a-days, but they really do not realize that having a hybrid makes no real difference at all. My father being the "do it yourself" kind of genius (I use genius in the most sarcastic sense possible) that he is, made his 1990 Volvo 740 a hybrid, raising its highway mileage from 20 to 25 MPG. That's a 20% raise in fuel economy, but come on it is not all it is cracked up to be.

I drive a Chevy Cavalier and I get about 30 MPG (35 with the AC off and STP) without trying, yet when I was reading "professional" reviews for the car, they all stated "well you're better off buying a Toyota," yet all the owner based ones stated that it was a perfect car, and that it is better then any Japanese car (okay, maybe I am imbelishing a bit, but damn it I think American cars > Japanese).

Needless to say, I think the "professional" reviews are (obviously) paid to say "go buy a Japanese car, they good," over looking the fact that in recent years that American cars have more then ever caught up with the Japanese when it comes to quality and reliance. Hell, GM as a company offers more hybrids then Honda and Toyota combined, yet everyone keeps on buying those bland Priuses.
I'd rather have a Chevy Malibu with Flex fuel (or whatever the hell they call it) then a Pirus any day. Sure it does not get 70 MPG (or whatever the Pirus is supposed to get), but it is sure a lot more appealing.

What was the over-all point of my rant before I went all over the place? You don't need a freaking hybrid to get good gas mileage, just look for good, small yet powerful engines for that, and as for the idiots that hate SUVs shut The hell up and stop whining, because believe it or not you're safer driving one of those then you are a smart car or a Prius (or even my Cavalier).

*links can be found on google by typing "I hate toyota prius" and "toyota priuses suck," I am using them to support my position (for once I am using some research to bacl my staements).

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Star Terk...

I took myself and my woman to go see Star Terk on Thrusday and the movie was actually pretty entertaining. Just in case your to stupid to figure it out, spoilers will be put in this, so if you have not seen the movie yet, then don't read it genius. OMG SPOCK DIES!!!!!111100000

Lame joke aside, the movie stays true to the characters from the original series, execpt for a few differences, one in particular, Uhurah is a total whore, and the actress herself is rather weird looking. To be honest, most of the women in the movie were weird looking, like the green chick. Kirck also is a total pussy and kept getting his ass haned to him, not mention Sulu (is that how its spelt?) is a ninja complete with a ninja sword. The guy from "Shaun of the dead," played scpotty pretty well, and the guy who was the doctor kept pulling the "Damn it ima doctor not a (insert something not a doctor here)," line to much. The Russian guy was not funny looking but funny sounding. Oh yeah, KIRK DOES NOT GET THE GIRL.

The CGI in the movie was pretty good to be honest, kept very true to the star terk style, also the fight scene were much more bad ass (mainly cause Kirk sucked 99% of the time) and the plot twist makes you go "OH SHI-!" Not mention that William Shatner does not rear his ugly mug not even once in the movie, then again, it would have been rather funny if had some how popped up towards the end of the movie (watch the movie, you'll see what I mean). The only thing that was visually a pain in the ass was all the god damn lens flare. It was like some idiot just got photoshop and thought that the lens flare was the coolest thing ever and added it to everything, that sort of thing.

Anyway, if you read this much of what I said you're probably woundering what the hell is wrong with me and why I even brother to continue to write despite the fact that one even reads this crap; I seldom wonder why I keep going, because I somehow have a feeling that this thing os going to hurt me when I go looking for a job. Oh well, I ain't got abything better else to do.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Inconvient Truth, about An Inconvient Truth.

Oh yes, I am back again non-existent readers, and I come bearing a new rant that no one cares about, and it is on "Global Warming" and the huge scam that is being played out on the American public all in the name of "green". Okay, I know everyone is irrationally concerned with the environment, believe, when I was a lad, I was too. To put it into prospective, I was a huge believer in the whole "Global Warming" phenomena, but as I grew older, began to understand things better, and well, happen to have a very strong grasp on history (You know they say that those who do not know history are bound to repeat it) I began to realize something, maybe there is nothing we can do about the climate of our planet, maybe Carbon Dioxide (The thing that trees use to grow, and is essentially a harmless molecule, or else I am just talking out my ass, which I most likely am) does not play as huge as a role as once was thought, that combined with a program that I watched on the history channel, helped put things in a new light.

Remember how I was talking about history? Well, this program, on the basis of history, proved that as times goes, the climate has been fluctuating, and that there is no real connection between the habits of man and the effects of the climate. There is evidence to suggest that the earth goes through periods of intense warmth, and then it cools down, and then it just flirts between the two (Who needs to site any of this crap anyway, I am a self-righteous blogger, and besides you can look this stuff up yourself, I am not looking for any real credibility after all).

In final, I offer up my own opinion on this subject, and to be honest with you, I am fed up with this "going green" and "recycle everything" bull shit. "Going green," is a buzz word companies use to make things sound fancy so they can charge you more for their shitty products, and recycling is almost a redundant process where by you are still causing pollution because in order to recycle you must first burn shit down, and it is more or less a waste for large countries like America to invest in, developing nations, sure it would work, but already developed nations, it is kind of a waste. There are better ways of doing things, but destroying industries that make America strong is stupid, so is out sourcing, but that is for another time, till then, I hope you all die painful deaths.